Find Time for Fitness as a Working Mom
- Written by Chloe Taylor

When you have a full-time job and child to take care of, you’d probably choose a nap over a fitness routine whenever you have some free time. But before you try to convince yourself that you don’t have the time or the energy for a workout, think again. Instead of draining your strength, a good exercise routine will improve your mood and boost your energy, which is exactly what every working mother needs. That is why you should create a realistic exercise plan that works for your schedule and motivates you to fulfill your fitness goals. Here are some ways you can find time for fitness as a working mom:
Prioritize your workout routine
As the only free time a working mother tends to have is early in the morning before the kids wake up and the daily chaos starts, it might be a good idea to set out your workout clothes and sneakers the night before, and then exercise first thing in the morning. Whether you decide to hit the gym, go on a jog around the neighborhood, or even do some intense yoga workouts at home, exercising in the morning will give you the energy you need to successfully accomplish all of your daily tasks. If your children are old enough to understand, don’t be afraid to tell them you need this daily “me time” to devote to your fitness goals, as it will help get rid of any guilt you might feel about prioritizing yourself.
Try exercising with your child
If your child is still quite young and requires a lot of attention, a great idea would be to kill two birds with one stone by opting for “babywearing” exercises. Putting your child in a sling or a front carrier will keep them safe and secure, while still giving you a wide range of motion, whether you decide to go on a simple hike, or even do more demanding at-home workouts, such as arm exercises, and series of squats and lunges. If you’re aiming for a more vigorous fitness routine, you can even decide to jog or run with your baby while pushing them in a jogging stroller that will keep them safe and sound while you burn calories.
Enroll your child in a playgroup
If you simply can’t find any free time in your hectic daily schedule, don’t feel guilty about enlisting some help. One of the best things you can do for yourself and your child is to enroll them in a great playgroup where they can learn, play and socialize with their peers under the supervision of a qualified professional. Not only will doing this provide you with enough time throughout the day to devote to your fitness routine and even take a break from your busy schedule, but it will be incredibly beneficial for your child as well, allowing them to boost their confidence and independence, improve their physical and cognitive abilities, and reach their full potential.
Opt for multiple shorter workouts
Another important thing to remember is that you don’t necessarily have to work for an hour straight in order to get a good workout in and achieve desirable results. If you simply don’t have time for an extensive exercise routine, a great alternative would be to opt for shorter, 10 to 15 minute workouts several times throughout the day, when your child is occupied or taking a nap. For example, you can do strength training for 10 minutes in the morning, combined with a 15-minute HIIT workout in the afternoon, which would be easier and much more attainable than a longer exercise routine.
Set realistic fitness goals
Regardless of what your workout routine and fitness levels were before you had a child, your life is completely different now. Apart from trying to stay in great shape, you also want to spend enough quality time with your child, while juggling your career and other daily responsibilities at the same time. That is exactly why setting realistic and attainable goals is one of the best ways to ensure you’ve set up an efficient and successful exercise routine. For example, while running two miles three times a week might have been realistic before you had a child, you might have to settle for half an hour of jogging four times a week now, as that’s all you’ll manage to fit into your schedule.